Verwandte Themen
- Climate change - Possible solutions
- Climate change - Creating a timeline
- Climate change - Analysing graphs and statistics
- Klima als Kontext zum Lernen chemischer Grundlagen - Eine digitale Lernumgebung für den bilingualen Unterricht
- The main political parties and their respective candidates - M4-M6
- English around the world: Australia
- Nothing ventured, nothing gained - Mündliche Fehler für den Lernprozess nutzen
- Climate change - Causes and effects of environmental problems
- Trump – the environmentalist?
- Critical environmental literacy entwickeln
- Climate Challenge - An environmental video game to develop environmental competency
- Global ecological and economic challenges meet sustainability and inventiveness – M1-M8
- Climate writing
- Hinweise und Erwartungshorizont
- What do we need to know about climate change?
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