
von Konstanze Zander

Obligations, possibilities, advice – modal verbs and their functions

mehr zum Thema Modal Verbs
Englisch Berufliche Schule 11-13. Klasse 5 Seiten Raabe

Englisch_neu, Sekundarstufe II, Verfügung über sprachliche Mittel, Schreiben, Grammatik, Schreibverfahren, Wortarten, Pragmatisches Schreiben, Verb, needing help, different scenarios in the pictures, TIP-box, expressing conditions, dictionary, replacements, past tense, research, helping verbs, firm, in questions, negative forms, signs, Hinweise, Differenzierung, Besonderheit von mustn't, Digitalhinweis, Erwartungshorizont

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Obligations, possibilities, advice – modal verbs and their functions Preview 1Obligations, possibilities, advice – modal verbs and their functions Preview 2Obligations, possibilities, advice – modal verbs and their functions Preview 3Obligations, possibilities, advice – modal verbs and their functions Preview 4Obligations, possibilities, advice – modal verbs and their functions Preview 5