

Practising the irregular verbs with mandalas

mehr zum Thema Irregular Verbs
Englisch Gesamtschule 6-7. Klasse 9 Seiten Raabe

Englisch_neu, Sekundarstufe I, Verfügung über sprachliche Mittel, Schreiben, Grammatik, Schreibverfahren, Wortarten, Pragmatisches Schreiben, Verb, clouring, Tabelle ausfüllen, infinitive, simple past, past participle, German translation, solution sheet, word snake

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Practising the irregular verbs with mandalas Preview 1Practising the irregular verbs with mandalas Preview 2Practising the irregular verbs with mandalas Preview 3Practising the irregular verbs with mandalas Preview 4Practising the irregular verbs with mandalas Preview 5Practising the irregular verbs with mandalas Preview 6Practising the irregular verbs with mandalas Preview 7Practising the irregular verbs with mandalas Preview 8Practising the irregular verbs with mandalas Preview 9