
von Konstanze Zander

In the ofice – talking about job interviews and business trips

mehr zum Thema Interview
Englisch Berufliche Schule 11-13. Klasse 10 Seiten Raabe

Englisch_neu, Sekundarstufe II, Verfügung über sprachliche Mittel, Lesen und Literatur, Schreiben, Grammatik, Texte, Schreibverfahren, Wortarten, Gebrauchstexte, Pragmatisches Schreiben, Verb, Journalistische Texte, preparation, mind map, guidebook, Book Creator, outfit problems, suggestions, Instagram comment, business trip, Hinweise, necessities, obligations, advice, possibilities, Richtlinien und Verhaltensregeln, Differenzierung, Digitalhinweis, Gallery Walk, Think-Pair-Share, Erwartungshorizont

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In the ofice – talking about job interviews and business trips Preview 1In the ofice – talking about job interviews and business trips Preview 2In the ofice – talking about job interviews and business trips Preview 3In the ofice – talking about job interviews and business trips Preview 4In the ofice – talking about job interviews and business trips Preview 5In the ofice – talking about job interviews and business trips Preview 6In the ofice – talking about job interviews and business trips Preview 7In the ofice – talking about job interviews and business trips Preview 8In the ofice – talking about job interviews and business trips Preview 9In the ofice – talking about job interviews and business trips Preview 10